Jump to recipeDid I ever tell you how much I hate moving?

I love looking for places to live but I hate the process of moving. I think most people would agree with me on this so I wont drag this out. I will just say that I suck at moving and every time I think I have worked out the perfect system and it never happens, NEVER! Someday I am going to do it perfectly and seamlessly and without stress. Don’t bother telling me that it’s not possible because I just wont believe you!

So as you may have guessed, we moved in to a new place recently. We ended up renting a place that was a bit of a downsize from our last place so trying to find a place for all of our things is a bit of a challenge. Turns out I own enough gadgets and gizmos to fill two kitchens (I don’t know how this is possible). If you know a really convenient ways to organize a small kitchen, I am all ears.

As we continue to unpack and organize our new place I try to use this opportunity to work on my interior designer side. The hubs doesn’t appreciate it very much since it usually involves me saying we need to get rid of all of our things and start over. I am trying to resist the urge to throw away everything and start over. I think the problem is that I think as I get older I should have an apartment the reflects my age; translation: I should have fancy things because I am a fancy sophisticated person…right?

As I talk about being fancy and sophisticated I am going to share with you a recipe for chicken cooked in beer, wrapped in a tortilla and served with salsa. This is five-star cuisine folks! All joking aside, it is delicious and you should make it and love every minute of it!
Beer Braised Chicken Enchiladas with Salsa Verde
- 3 Skinless Chicken Thighs
- 1 Tsp. Chili Powder
- 1/2 Tsp. Salt
- 1/2 Tsp. Pepper
- 1/4 Tsp. Cumin
- Pinch Ground Ginger
- 2 Tsp. Vegetable Oil
- 1/2 Onion Sliced
- 1 Can Beer (Lager)
- 1 Cup Shredded Cheese (Mexican Cheese Blend)
- 10 Small Corn Tortillas
- 1/2 Cup Chicken Stock
- Salsa Verde (Recipe Below)
For Salsa Verde
- 3 Tomatillos
- 1 Large Jalapeno Pepper
- 1 Clove Garlic
- 1/2 Yellow Onion
- 2 Tbsp. Vegetable Oil
- Salt
- Preheat oven to 400. Combine all of your spices together in a small bowl. Apply spice mixture to chicken thighs and set aside for 20-30 minutes (a good time to make the salsa verde). In a dutch oven heat vegetable oil over medium heat. Add your onions to the pot and sweat until they become translucent. Clear a spot in the pot and place your chicken thighs in and brown on both sides, about 5-7 minutes on each side. Once browned pour the can of beer over your chicken. Cover the pot and allow the chicken to simmer until the meat comes away from the bone easily. Once cooked, remove the chicken from the pot and shred the meat using two forks, cut out any additional fat or cartilage. Return the shredded chicken to the pot to continue soaking up the juice it was cooked in.
- In a small saucepan heat the chicken stock until it begins to simmer lightly. To assemble your enchiladas create a station with the chicken and cheese. Dip your tortilla in the chicken stock to soften, about 5 seconds, place on a plate and add a spoonful of chicken and a sprinkle of cheese. Roll the tortilla and place seam side down in a casserole dish. Continue assembling until all your chicken is gone. Sprinkle remaining cheese on top along with 2 tbsp. of salsa verde. Place in oven and bake until cheese is melted. Remove from oven and top with remaining salsa verde (or as much as you like) and enjoy. Serve with rice and beans for a complete feast!
Instructions for Salsa Verde
- Peel and rinse your tomatillos. Cut your jalapeno in half and remove seeds. Cut onion in to four smaller pieces. Add all ingredients minus the salt to a bowl. Toss the vegetables with the oil to make sure all is coated. Place your vegetables on a baking pan coated in foil. Place under the broiler until the peppers and onions begin to char. Carefully add your vegetables to a blender and pulse until everything is mixed. Add salt to taste and set aside to cool down. You may also use an immersion blender if you don't have a blender on hand, be careful when blending so the juice does not splash in your face (yes, this did happen to me).
yumm! love reading your stories and your pictures look delicious!!