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Haute Pepper at Home

Babe Cave Reveal


 All that obsessive HGTV watching and Pinterest pinning has finally paid off! Check out my Babe Cave. The hubs and I bought our lovely house back in the fall of 2015. I call it my little yellow brick house. Yup, that’s right, because it is a yellow brick house… Anyhow, […]


Baked Rigatoni with Chicken Meatballs


 Oh, hi there! I hope everyone had a nice weekend. We experienced some lovely weather in Pittsburgh which is always an instant mood lifter. Everything is in bloom and we are starting to see green. I think we can say that spring has finally arrived (does cartwheels and cheers loudly). […]


Mushroom & Asparagus Quiche


 Something’s just make me smile! It was basically summer for one day and I had mixed feelings about it. I loved feeling the sun because it instantly lifts your mood but then I remember that I am feeling the sun and wearing short sleeves in February because our planet is […]